In Donald Trump’s first speech after becoming President, Trump made it pretty clear about his intentions regarding the future of America. Most of the things were pretty much the same that he spoke off during the Elections campaign. One interesting thing about his speech was that he has made his mind to walk on the same path walked by India’s PM Narendra Modi. He addressed many things out of which the most interesting thing that I noticed is that he will follow the same strategies that Narendra Modi is following right now.
Trump slams Obama’s performance as president.
He described that the nation is descending towards poverty and insecurity. People of America is losing employment because of the foreign elites. “Their victories have not been your victories,” he said. Modi Ji also stated the same in his speech when he talked about the brain drain that is affecting India’s growth and making foreign elites richer.
Trump pivots to offer “a new vision will govern America”.
Again a move which is similar to that of Modi Ji. Just like Modi Ji gave a new vision to the people of India and made sure that this vision will produce more and more entrepreneurs which will take India forward. Similarly, Trump also addressed the same things and showed the same mission to the people of America. “From this day forward,” he said, “it’s going to be only America first.”
Trump returns to the language of his campaign.
He reiterated the same things that he said in his campaign about getting the jobs back to America. If you remember the time when Modi Ji said the same things in his campaign “Make in India” which would make India more stable and help India to grow her employment. Thus, become the strongest nation in the world with her biggest democracy.
Trump has started walking on the same path of Narendra Modi in the quest of making America the greatest country ever. What do you think about it? Don’t you think there are various similarities in the strategies among India’s Prime Minister and American President? I think sooner or later we will hear that the India and the America are going to be the next biggest alliance in the world. What do you think? Share your views in the comment section below.
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