I’ve noticed that people share a lot more on social media than they should.
I’m not talking about any business owners posting images of their product, or the actors posting images of themselves.
It is their business. Their bread.
And if you have noticed, they only share business and they mean business. Because that’s what social media has become. A place to connect people and grow business.
When life throws experiences at you, it is for you to analyse not others to validate.
Recently I have been active on Social Media a lot and I asked myself how it is affecting me. And what I found was that it was doing more harm than benefit.
You see it is okay to log in and surf for some time. Take a look at your connections and how they are doing. Share a little from your life. And no doubt that is a very good way to stay connected.
But when you become a slave of Social Media, then things can turn out bad for you.
When you are on a mode of sharing everything on social media, shits like 30 IG stories as couples with cheesy captions. You lose the rationale of thinking. Your mind starts to work on auto-pilot. When you constantly share your life and people like or comment on it, you get involved.
This is a fake involvement because there’s a little part in your brain that produces Dopamine. This Dopamine is produced every time you get a notification that somebody has liked your post or made a comment on it.
This Dopamine makes you addicted to that thing. And you tend to repeat the same action again and again.
This is same as a person is addicted to the drug or alcohol.
Social Aspect of Social Media
When you share too much, people judge you. When people judge you they create a false image of you in their mind. And trust me it is always the wrong image because you always share the rich and happy moments from your life. You never share sad or depressing moments.
And if you are happy all the time, you are mad.
After looking at you through the glass of social media for a long time they start to think that they know you. So when they meet you in person, they treat you as a person they know you from social media. And when they think they know you then they start expecting a certain behaviour from you.
This is the starting point of all the problems.
And when the problem arises in real life, the same person goes online and starts sharing shitty stuff like this:

Arey aise kaise post karne de… We are a social animal. We evolved that we. Our survival depends on judging people. The better you judge a person the more leverage you can get over that person. This is the reason that the shows like Sherlock Holmes, Mentalist and House MD serials have become popular and loved by mass.
The same thing has come down generations and here we are talking about not judging.
It does not seem to make sense.
For the sake of it let’s believe that the person is sharing something because he doesn’t want to show off but genuinely likes sharing it (pure selfless act). By the way, I don’t believe in pure selfless acts. But for the sake of making this point let’s believe it exists. We got a problem with this as well.
There will always be people who will be against your thought process. And social media is an amplifier that amplifies your reactions and thought process. It reaches to people you couldn’t even imagine about. And in less than an hour, your life can be ruined. We have live examples of that too… Do you remember Jasleen Kaur case?
And do you know that most people don’t care what you share and are probably making you the talk of the town behind your back for all the wrong reasons?

If I want I can go on and on about the negative effects of social media on you. But let’s rest the case here.
The only thing you should take away from this post is this -> Keep it sacred, limited to people you care about and the people who care about you too.
Keeping your life personal will only benefit you. A little silence is as necessary as deep breaths once in a while.
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