We grew up hearing about different types of privileges, like male privileges or female privileges but have you ever thought about the Attractiveness Privilege?
When I first learned about this privilege, I had a slight realization of all the things that happens to you in this world.
Here’s the thing – Life is easier to navigate for attractive people than their counterparts.
Can you imagine the inherent bias in every individual you have ever met in your life?
If you were born with different looks, your entire life would have been different. Your experiences would be different, your perspective of this world would be different. Wow! All the things that we take for granted 🙂
By the way, I got to know about this when I was watching a study conducted just for this. And the results were shocking.
This is so deeply ingrained that a criminal who is good looking will be sentenced less than his not so good looking counterpart for the same crime.

The group of people in 100 humans gave 33 years to the less attractive criminal as compared to 17 for more attractive criminal for the same crime.
That was very shocking to me.
The moral of this story is that if you do not keep a check on your inherent drives, your reality could be far off from the actual reality.
Thanks for reading.
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