I’ve had some instances where people read a book and gained the confidence to do something that they thought they were doing in the first place without really understanding the context and intention behind it.
This is a bad place to be.
Sure, you get the confidence but that confidence is forcing you towards a negative path. You think you are doing the right thing but in reality, you are making it hard for you and the people around you.
This problem is small and big at the same time.
It’s sometimes hard to understand what the writer is trying to convey through his/her words. The main reason for that would be the difference in background. You have a certain experience and background and the person who has written the book has his/her experiences and background. And to understand the writer’s point of view, you will have to leave your experience behind and wear their shoes. Try to find the reason from their perspective.
For example – if you are reading a book on programming or coding, then you might come across code examples – at this point, the writer might be showcasing something that you do with your code. But those two things could be very different. The code sample that he has taken is specifically to convey a certain knowledge behind that. And if you pick that one technique from the sample and start applying everywhere then you know what’s gonna happen. You will make a mess out of everything.
And that is where most people start overcomplicating simple things by over-engineering.
Any darn fool can make something complex; it takes a genius to make something simple.
~ Albert Einstein
If you are willing to learn something without letting your beliefs and experiences come in between then you would definitely learn from the writer’s experience. In that regard, this is a small problem for you. Because you are willing to let go of your beliefs in order to learn something.
On the other hand, if you are reading the book to prove someone wrong, or to find the proofs that can be presented in your favour to make your beliefs stronger or to make a point… then it’s a big problem for you. This way you are missing out on the valuable lessons that the writer wants you to take away.
So the next time when you read any book, let go of your beliefs and ideas and simply focus on what the writer wants to convey and from where he is coming. You will fall in love with reading 😍
I hope this
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