Whenever I feel low, this little speech from Matthew McConaughey helps me to get back up and climb the mountain.
Do not fall into the trap, The Entitlement Trap of feeling like you are a victim. You are not. Get over it, get on with it.
Whatever your answer is – Do not choose anything that will jeopardise yourself.
Prioritise who you are, who you wanna be and don’t spend time with anything that antagonises your character.
Where We Are Not is as important as Where We Are.
Finding yourself is hard. Give it a break. It’s hard. Eliminate who you are not, First. You will find yourself, who will it be?
Unbelievable is the stupidest word in the book.
Joy Is Always In Process. Karm Kiye Jaa Phal Ki Iccha Na Kar.
You Are The Author Of The Book Of You Life
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