I saw a post today on LinkedIn about the rebellious lady who didn’t learn cooking because somehow (in her reality) cooking is only expected from the female gender.
I would say it’s a good move to get the views and comments but it’s not good to link cooking with gender.
At the end of the post, she asked a question –
“Did you proactively not allow yourself to do/learn something only because it was expected of you?” – she asked this question because she rebelled against cooking.
I looked into the comments to see how many people actually resonates with this stupid idea. And I was glad to see that there was none. Not a single person who appreciated her thoughts.
There was one comment that I especially liked –
Cooking is a basic life skill that everyone must know. Agreed.
But when women are expected to cook (by our family), why are we not handling it with pride? Do we still feel “COOKING IS AN INFERIOR ACTIVITY”. Not at all. That’s one of the ways one can show their love towards the family. Let it be women’s work (in a positive way). Use that skill as a blessing and spread the love for family.
I am passionate/possessive of cooking. I feel happy to do it.
This is spot on.
Even if cooking is associated with women, it’s not something to rebel against. It’s something to take pride of. Not everyone is lucky to inherit this skill at a young age.
On the other note, if someone expects something of you (in this case – a basic life skill – cooking), does this mean you will rebel against them? And the reason for this rebellion is that someone expects something of you 😐
What type of non-sense is this?
If someone expects something of you it means that they believe in your capabilities. It’s a good thing that people expects something from you.
When Sachin Tendulkar went to bat, the entire nation expected him to score a ton. Is that bad? Should Sachin Tendulkar rebel against the entire nation’s expectations. Whose loss is it?
When I hear such stupid things from grownups I feel sad inside. And this is why India is struggling to grow at the rate that is expected. Because people are rebelling against the expectations 😂
I hope people would stop descriminating stuff based on the gender, caste, creed and start respecting everyone equally. Things have gone so out of hand that skills are also being associated with gender now.
So sad.
The message I want to bring forward with this post is that –
Cooking is a basic life skill… Stop associating it with Gender.
I hope to see something good tomorrow 😊
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