Today when I was watching the episode from The Office. In that episode, Jim sold the magic beans to Dwight.
Epic fun.
Well, it was legumes but whenever I hear something that resembles the magic bean, my mind immediately remembers Jack and the BeanStalk story. And after that, I I feel like working hard. Maybe it is momentary but it happens. That’s how the story is wired to my mind.
I don’t know if that happens with you or not but it happens to me.
This is how my brains are wired to the stories that I heard in my childhood. This story makes me wanna work hard all my life.
But that is such a bad thing.
You and I are not here to work hard but to enjoy life. And if we spend our time working and only working then what’s the point of this life. Life is for us to enjoy not to spend working hard on something that doesn’t bring joy.
And no you won’t become poor if you don’t work hard. Working hard is not the way to make money. Working smart is.
Working hard is just a way to depression.
Let me tell you the story in short
There was a lazy boy named Jack. He lived with his widow mother in a village. They were very poor. Her mother used to work and earned very little money. So little that they were becoming poorer and poorer by each passing day. Jack was very lazy. He used to sleep all day and do nothing. One day they became so poor that they had nothing to eat. Jack's mom asked Jack to sell their cow in the market so that they can buy some food. Jack goes to the market to sell the cow. But on the way, he meets a strange old man. The old man asks the boy to exchange the cow for some beans. These are no ordinary beans these are magic beans. Jack was convinced by this old man and exchanges the cow for those magic beans.
Jack rushed back home shouting mom... mom... look what I found. Mom gets excited to hear Jack running towards her happily. She thought the sale went well. But when Jack shows her mom those magic beans, she gets furious. She gets so angry that he punishes Jack and doesn't give him food for that night. Jack sleeps empty stomach that day. When he woke the next day, he got surprised by the big giant beanstalk that grew so high that it crossed the clouds.
Jack starts climbing the beanstalk and reaches a new world where everything is big. He sees a giant house and knocks on its doors. A giant female opens the door and greets Jack. Jack was hungry so asks for food and the giant female gives him the food but warns him that his giant man likes to eat small humans. Soon after that the giant comes in, Jack hides in the oven. Giant came there, had dinner and started counting his gold coins. By the time he finishes counting all of the gold coins, he fell asleep. Jack comes out and takes one bag of gold coins and throws it down the beanstalk. Then climbs down, gets the bag and shouts, mom..mom... look what I got. Her mom gets very happy. Now they can use those gold coins to buy food.
But soon after a few months, they ran out of gold. This time Jack climbs up again finds a chicken that lays golden eggs and steals it away. Now, they become rich because they have a chicken that lays gold. But Greed has no bounds. One fine day, Jack decides to go back there to find some more. But this time Giant sees him. Jack runs down the beanstalk and Giants follows. Jack calls his mom to bring the axe and help him to cut down the beanstalk. They both were able to cut down the beanstalk and the giant falls on the ground with a loud sound.
After this Jack realises that his greed almost got him killed. From that day, Jack starts working hard every day and they became super-rich.
In short, I don’t like this story and I don’t want any parent to tell this story to their child.
In fact, the moment you hear the word magic or golden egg, it’s time to run.
Until next time.
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