How many times have you tried to predict the future? And how many time were you accurate with your predictions? If you are like most people then chances are you have been wrong more than 99% of the times. Because life never happens the way you want it to happen. Life simply happens. And your decisions to the situations decide what will come next. Sometimes I feel that … [Read more...] about Can You Predict The Future? (Where Will You Be After 5 Years)
Social Media Makes You Dumb
Now-a-days I see a lot of people around me looking into their mobile screens whenever they get the time. You leave them for 10 seconds and the first thing they do is put their hands in their pocket to pull out their smartphone. It's like their smartphones have become their life support. And if someone is spending half his wakeful life looking at the screen then there is no … [Read more...] about Social Media Makes You Dumb
Quick and Tasty Summer snacks for you
Hey friends, Summer is on and we all get a little too hungry these days. Days are so hot and evenings are just as humid that even if you want to get a nice refreshing snack then your body gets lazy. Especially when you are away from home working or studying. I have few dishes on my blog today. You can try them this summer and enjoy. All you need is a kitchen and you are set … [Read more...] about Quick and Tasty Summer snacks for you
Get a Personal Portfolio Website Now!
Hey friends! Have you ever thought about giving it a try. Yes! I’m talking about your passion, all that hidden talent you posses. Why are you not projecting it to the world? Let the world know about your art. Let them know about you. If you have that fire inside then this article is for you. I will show you ways through which you can project yourself to the world. All you need … [Read more...] about Get a Personal Portfolio Website Now!
Top 5 Best Flagship Smartphones Under 14000 INR April 2017
People are asking a lot of suggestions from me lately regarding which flagship smartphones to purchase under 14000 INR. It is obvious because this year lots of choices are available in the market and choosing the right one for you requires a little bit of research. We have lots of mobile reviews videos on youtube but most of them only tell us about the features and camera … [Read more...] about Top 5 Best Flagship Smartphones Under 14000 INR April 2017
Just Purchased ASUS A555LF
Hey Techies! I got ASUS A555LF this week and I’m quite satisfied with it. At this price range, this laptop carries some really nice features. The best thing about this laptop is its look and build. It feels great when I carry it on my lap. Another thing that really makes me love this laptop is its keyboard. It has a chiclet keyboard which feels really soft while typing. It is a … [Read more...] about Just Purchased ASUS A555LF
Tips to Use Your Time Effectively
Hey friends, I have been quite busy thinking about the importance of time in our lives. You hear people saying “you get everything when the time comes”, “time heals every wound”. If you notice carefully, you will realize that the most valuable entity in your life is time. We get 86,164 seconds in a day. Yet 90% of us waste a large portion of this time in doing useless things. … [Read more...] about Tips to Use Your Time Effectively