This is such simple advice but so hard to follow.
Everyone in this world is busy making decisions for others. They do it because they think or believe that they are doing good for the person. The intent is pure. But the actions are completely wrong. And that’s why it results in conflicts and fights and unhappiness all around.
I’ve seen happy families and when I observed closely I found that they are happy because everyone lives their own lives and make their own decisions.
A good example that I can think of is this – my friend wanted to pursue commerce but his father thought that commerce is not good for him and rather forced him to pursue engineering. His father intent was pure, he was only thinking good for his son, but the actions that he took was so not in the favour of his son. 4 years later, he regrets every day of his life and hates his father.
Does he have a good job?
Yes. But he is not happy with that job and every day feels like a punishment to him.
Is his father happy that he has a good job?
No. He lost his son’s respect. He lost his son’s happiness. End result – both are unhappy. They fight every time.
I always ask myself what worst could have happened if he would have decided to pursue commerce instead of engineering?
He might have not got any job (which is a pretty rare case). He might have not got the high-paying job that he has now.
Or the worst – he could have failed miserably.
Even in the worst-case scenario, he would have come closer to his father and family. And then his father would have guided him (not made a decision for me) towards a road suitable for him. Everyone would have been happy.
Never try to make other’s decisions.
Always make your own decisions.
The moment you start making other’s decisions, things go bad.
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